2017 is a big year for me. I turn 70 this year. That’s one thing. And I’ve got a new book coming out in September, When They Come For You, with a new protagonist, Harper McDaniel, who I hope to stay with for a few more years. I also have a new publisher, Thomas and Mercer, the publishing wing of Amazon. After 20 something novels and other books published by traditional New York publishers, I was ready to try something new. And this will certainly fit that description. There will be no hardback book. There will be no book tour. (More on that later.) There will be a trade paperback, but mainly the book will appear as an ebook.
I’m fine with that. I read mostly from my iPad these days and when I need to do research, I find it far easier to take notes and to search in an ebook format that in a paper book. I was an early adopter of ebooks. I resisted for a nano-second, then found I actually enjoyed holding a lightweight iPad in my hand rather than a heavy hardback. (Though I do sometimes listen to audio books, which I also enjoy very much.)
Also this year marks the first major overhaul in my website in several years. Laura Crovo-Lane, who designed and built the site, captured exactly the kind of mood I was after. In fact, she gave my ideas far more dimension and originality than the images I had in my head. I’m hoping to spend more time here than I have in the past and share my experiences of writing the latest novel as well as chronicle other events in my life. I might even make a political statement now and then. I do have opinions.
You are welcome to follow me on Twitter and Facebook and to look at photos and videos on Instagram and YouTube. And your comments are always welcome.
And away we go.
What a great website, Jim. Easy to navigate and packed with answers to all the questions that readers are curious about. Kudos to you and Laura for putting this together. I’m looking forward to meeting and getting to know Harper McDaniel soon.